Politécnica de Madrid


Official Degree Cybersecurity
Web https://masterciberseguridad.etsit.upm.es/
Area Information and Communication Technologies
Modality On-campus education
Credits 60 ECTS
Languages Spanish
Orientation Academia
Places 25
Contact Víctor A. Villagrá
+34 910672139

The Master's Degree in Cybersecurity at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid is a one-year program which allows the adquisition of the required skills for the development of cybersecurity strategies in organizations, as currently required by them.

The main target of the Master is to contribute to the continuous improvement of the training and new demands on cybersecurity through the transmission of knowledge by first level experts. Therefore, this Master has a dual orientation:

  • Technological, covering the more tech-oriented educational and scientific aspects, with all the novelties and updates made in the last years. 
  • Organizational, tackling educational aspects which are less technological and more oriented to organization and management of departments and cybersecurity centers in an organization, including legislative issues, development of a Cybersecurity Master Plan, Cybersecurity policies, etc. 

For all these factors, the proposed Master seeks to offer an integral training, not only technological, that allows designing the convergent and unified security strategy in an organization, from a technological and physical point of view, and also integrated with the global strategy of the organization at the level of legislative compliance, business risk, etc.

The public university, as responsible for the training of citizens and workers of our society, cannot be unaware the required effort to train each other in the use, design and management of the ICT systems which are in the base of our advanced society status. The Official Master's Degree in Cybersecurity at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has the vocation of training and re-qualification of those professionals related to all fields of cybersecurity and cyber defense.

Interuniversity No